
Field of wheat

Nova Scotia Crop and Livestock Insurance Commission (NSCLIC) has provided risk management solutions for agriculture in the Province of Nova Scotia for over 55 years under the Crop and Livestock Insurance Act.

Under the supervision of Nova Scotia’s Minister of Agriculture, NSCLIC administers crop insurance plans for 58 crops plus dairy and poultry livestock insurance plans. In addition to the crop and livestock insurance plans, NSCLIC has administered the Canada/Nova Scotia Wildlife Compensation Program since 2008.

NSCLIC is responsible for the administration of the Crop and Livestock Insurance program as described in the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP), a Federal-Provincial-Territorial Framework Agreement on Agriculture, Agri-Food and Agri-Based Products Policy. Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a 5-year agreement (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2028) to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector.

The governments of Nova Scotia and Canada each contribute to the administration expenses for crop insurance and wildlife compensation on a 60% federal and 40% provincial basis.

Typically, producers would pay approximately 40% of their crop insurance premiums with the Government of Nova Scotia contributing approximately 24% of the crop insurance premium, the federal government contributing 36%.

Clients are responsible for 100% of the premiums for livestock insurance programs while 100% of administration expenses are the responsibility of the Province of Nova Scotia.

Wildlife compensation payments are cost shared 60% by the federal government and 40% by the provincial government. Clients are not responsible for any premiums in the wildlife compensation program.